
Yinfang Wang Architects is based in Taipei since 2019 to make multidisciplinary projects and research exceptional with the experimental and collaborative approach. We aim to create architecure, urban space, interior design, film and animation through the methodology of exploratoin and experimentation. Our work have been centered on finding design solutions and strategies through experimentation of spatial aesthectics and craftsmanship. Our projects include a wide range of proejcts and competitoins in the world on cultural, residential and office schemes.

王吟方建築師事務所創立於台北, 意圖用實驗及合作的模式讓跨領域設計及研究變得與眾不同。 我們欲透過探索及實驗的設計手法來創造建築、都 市 、空間、景觀、電影與動畫。我們的作品一直以空間美學與工藝的設計實驗手法為中心,在設計創作過程中找尋創意的策略及設計方法, 發展獨特的建築作品。目前事務所的作品包涵世界各地的設計案及競圖, 主要為文化、住宅及辦公等類型。