Happpy Lunar New Year 2024
Wish everyone a prosperous new year of Dragon ! 我們團隊持續在建築設計領域耕耘, 迎接創意挑戰, , 厚積薄發地完成各項專案實績. 祝福您農曆新年快樂,龍來運轉, 龍躍新程 !
Wish everyone a prosperous new year of Dragon ! 我們團隊持續在建築設計領域耕耘, 迎接創意挑戰, , 厚積薄發地完成各項專案實績. 祝福您農曆新年快樂,龍來運轉, 龍躍新程 !
Season's greeting from Yinfang Wang Architects. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a healthy and
Yinfang talks about the future cities with the approach of daily life and users experience to the year 1 students. 2017年11月23日吟方於中原大學建築系演講想像未來城市的可能性,
Yinfang presents the multidisciplinary approach of naivty in architectural design and practice to final year students. 2017年11月10日下午3點吟方於文化大學建築系演講有關於事務所的實驗性設計操作方向及實際完工案例分享。 演講: Naivety in Architecture
Our new house project, Trisection House, was designed for a family who prefer to have their individual privacy, views and
Smart craftsmanship is to redefine the contemporary craftsmanship with artificial intelligence and information technology and discuss the future smart society
YWA design a new FNBC TV studio in Ho Chih Ming City, Vietnam. It comprises of three main TV studio buildings with
The article was invited and written for the special issue of Taiwan Architects magazine 2016 Nov. We interviewed Japanese architectural